Which strongholds in your life have been broken? How are you experiencing freedom in Christ today? Let’s explore how societal freedoms have come from God’s principles.
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There are many different ways to consider the impact that freedom in Christ has on individuals, families, and societies.
First, most of us can identify people whose newfound freedom in Christ has made a profound impact on their lives. If we haven’t personally broken the cycle of sin, we can identify family members or friends whose spiritual transformations speak volumes about what freedom in Christ can look like.
- Consider the uncle who struggled his whole life with alcohol addiction and has been sober for 30 years.
- Or the cousin who cycled through job after job because of her disrespect and temper, who’s now been employed nonstop for a decade.
- What about the parents who were forced into bankruptcy because of their poor spending and are now debt-free, generous givers?
True freedom and transformation are found in Christ and living out His principles in everyday life.
Did you know this kind of freedom—and its consequences—applies to entire people groups, too?
Historically, when the majority of people in society sought God’s truth, they experienced freedom at a much higher level than other societies. Just as freedom in Christ can change individual lives, it can also impact entire generations.
Historically, when the majority of people in society sought God’s truth, they experienced freedom at a much higher level than other societies. Just as freedom in Christ can change individual lives, it can also impact entire… Share on XOn the contrary, in the same way that sin stunts growth in individuals and families, it also hinders movement within a society that’s enslaved to its impulses.
Let’s uncover some evidence of the impact that freedom in Christ has made in the world.
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For those in the US, we actually inherit unusual freedom and wealth simply because many in our society pursued God’s truth. For example, did you know the following advancements can be traced back to a commitment to God’s principles?
- The Scientific Revolution came from Christian universities and devout students like Isaac Newton and Blaise Pascal. We have evidence of Newton regularly journaling his love for Jesus; Pascal carried in his coat pocket a passionate, self-written poem about his love for God and how Jesus had transformed him.
- Modern medicine and society at large have benefited from Edward Jenner, who discovered the miracle of vaccines. He was a devout Christian who was trained at a Christian university.
- Higher education can be traced back to the oldest universities that all started in churches, like Oxford University, which was a church school outside of a cathedral.
If you remove Christianity from world history, you don’t have higher education. Without higher education, you don’t have engineers, doctors, scientists, or attorneys. Our entire way of life that we take for granted would go away.
Another way society has advanced because of Christian principles and freedom in Christ is by followers of Jesus simply reading and following the Scriptures. For instance, once Christians started reading the Bible for themselves, they began to notice the areas where society was out of line with God’s Word and then make adjustments accordingly. This realization was the basis for turning points in history like the abolition of slavery and movements to protect human rights.
Not that our Western society is perfect. Like any “family,” we know where our weaknesses lie and where we need to make progress. But we need to see clearly how far we’ve progressed and appreciated our uniqueness compared to the rest of the world.
Instead of throwing away our foundation and starting over, as many suggest doing, I offer an alternate plan of studying our past, celebrating where we’ve come from, and acknowledging the roads that need paving. Then we plan and commit to progressing, building only upon the stable foundation we’ve seen uphold so many before: God’s principles.
In doing so, let’s steer clear of the trap that says, “We can do even better without God.” Instead, we need to seek God’s truths and do what we can to influence society and our surroundings based on His principles.
Freedom—individual freedom and societal freedom that’s experienced as we pursue God’s ways—is a powerful seed that can produce incredible, rich fruit in the lives of individuals and communities everywhere.
Need ideas of how to nurture that fruit in your own life and the lives of your kids, grandkids, and those you love?
2 Practical Ways To Cultivate The Fruit of Freedom In Christ
1. Remain rooted in the Scriptures.
No matter what happens in culture or society, we remain rooted in God’s Word. Regardless of words thrown our way or who chooses to follow Him, we remain.
What if churches lose their nonprofit status? We remain.
What if we’re called names and yelled at? We remain.
What if our enemies come knocking? Remain.
Because we are committed to His truth, we will always—
- Lead with love
- Pray for those who persecute us
- Forgive our enemies
- Love our enemies
But we are also going to be unapologetic about this standard for what we do and believe. And that’s the people we are.
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2. Train the next generation to know God’s Word.
If we aren’t intentional about how we train our young people, we will lose them ideologically.
Look around and you will quickly see that every one of them is being indoctrinated with a worldview lens that says you don’t need God or the Bible.
If we truly want them to live freely in Christ, we’ll be intentional. Living a life of freedom in Christ includes knowing God’s word.
There are endless tools available to help train our next generation. The challenge isn’t finding the resources, it’s committing to making it happen! Here are just a few ideas—
- Facilitate a one-on-one study with the young person in your life
- Ask your church for a subscription to RightNow Media and follow one of the dozens of study options for kids of all ages
- Thoughtfully teach kids how to study God’s word, including equipping them with the tools needed to understand, retain and apply the teachings
If we aren’t intentional about how we train our young people, we will lose them ideologically. Every one of them is being indoctrinated with a worldview lens that says you don’t need God or the Bible. Equip them to live a life of… Share on X
I dream of a generation who will flourish as they live freely in Christ—freedom from vices and addiction and destruction, but also a freedom that will set them on the path to living their best life for the purposes of the Kingdom.
If we remain rooted in the Scriptures and we’re dedicated to training our young, I believe this dream will become our reality. We’ll have a freedom that will give us the confidence to live fearlessly and love freely, regardless of the circumstances surrounding us.
Learn more about living freely and fearlessly in a divided world when you watch our Daily Discipleship Course on YouTube entitled Hope of Nations, featuring teachings from author and pastor John Dickerson.
How To Turn 5 Powerful Truths Into A Supernaturally Transformed Life
How To Pray To God For Help When Life Feels Impossible
Book: Hope of Nations

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