Tips to help you become a stronger small group leader.
Enjoy video footage from our Live Church Leader Training Event featuring Chip Ingram and Jim Blazin. Featuring responses to questions from leaders like you, you’ll gain insight into new ways to invest in your small group leaders.
Building Community

What’s the Key to Helping My Small Group Experience Authentic Community?
How to Build an Authentic Community in Your Small Group Many of us have probably lead or been in small groups where there wasn’t a deep connection between members for a long time, if at all. So it should come…

How Can I Cultivate a Sense of Family and Belonging That Goes Beyond Our Weekly Group Study?
How to Cultivate a Sense of Family and Belonging that Goes Beyond Your Weekly Group Study Do you want your group members to have a sense of family and belonging that goes beyond your weekly meeting? If this is your…

What Things Can “Kill” a Group?
Top Five Things that “Kill” a Small Group There are lots of things that can be detrimental to the health and growth of your small group. To prevent the demise of your small group, as a small group leader you…
Group Health

How Do I Help My Small Group Be More Missional and Outward Focused?
How to Have an Outwardly Focused Small Group Some of the best and healthiest small groups are those that really see themselves as a microcosm of the larger church. In other words, similar to the way that the church cares…

How Do I Raise the Value of Prayer in My Small Group?
Raising the Value of Prayer in Your Small Group One of the areas where most Christians struggle in their life the most is prayer. This is probably because a lot of us Christ followers are activists by nature. We like…

How Do I Tackle Commitment Problems In the Group?
Tackling Common Commitment Problems in Group What do you do when you have people in your group who just don’t seem very committed? Maybe they really were faithful at the beginning and they came every single week and they were…

What’s The Difference Between Groups That Teach vs. Groups That Transform?
Groups that Teach vs. Groups that Transform Over the years Chip Ingram has partnered with many small group leaders who use his DVD group studies from Living on the Edge. His growing concern, as the person doing the teaching on…

What Is the Secret of Leading a Small Group that Changes Lives?
Small Groups that Change Lives As a small group leader, do you ever wonder, “What’s the secret to having a small group where people’s lives really change?” We all know that small groups are not always synonymous with authentic community….

Group Leader QA
We believe in the life-changing work of God that happens in the context of small groups. That’s why we are so passionate about creating practical small group resources and equipping confident small group leaders. On Thursday, October 8, Chip Ingram…

Group Leader QA-2
On Wednesday, March 16, 2016, Chip Ingram was joined by Small Groups Pastor Jim Blazin. Together they addressed the “Real Job Description of a Group Leader.” Over 1,300 leaders from around the U.S. participated in the session. The webinar…

I Want To Lead a Group, But I Feel Inadequate – What Should I Do?
How to Overcome Feelings of Inadequacy Are you on the fence about whether you want to lead a small group? Do you sense God calling you to lead a group yet you’re holding back from actually doing it because you…

Why Is It Important To Set Clear Expectations For Small Group Members?
The Importance of Setting Group Expectations Setting clear expectations for your group can help avoid miscommunication and frustration for members and leaders alike. The right tools will help you do so effectively. Expectations are important in every single relationship, and…

I’m Not a Bible Expert, What If I Get Asked a Question I Can’t Answer?
So, You’re Not a Bible Expert One of the great things about curriculum at Living on the Edge is that Chip Ingram is the teacher – and he is a gifted Bible teacher at that. Part of his role as…

How Should I Prepare For My Group Meeting?
How to Prepare for Your Group Besides being a small group leader, your life is probably quite busy and you have a lot of demands on your time. Even if the small group curriculum you’re using is simple and user-friendly,…

There’s Too Much To Do – How Can I Stay Focused On What’s Most Important For My Group?
How to Put First Things First As a leader, it’s easy for you to take on too much responsibility for your group or get distracted with trying to juggle too many details. But if you take on everything for your…

What’s The Best Way To Share Responsibilities Among Group Members?
Sharing the Load of Responsibility Are you feeling worn out and tired as a small group leader? Do you feel like you’re the only one preparing and doing all the work while everybody else just shows up and enjoys the…

What Should Our Group Do About Childcare?
What to Do About Childcare? One way to increase your group’s commitment is for everyone to get involved with each other’s families as much as possible. For many groups, this means attending to the ongoing issue of childcare. As a…

Why Is Relational Leadership Important In My Group?
The Importance of Relational Leadership The role of a small group leader is one of a shepherd who cares for those he or she leads. It is a role characterized by nurturing relationships. In 1 Thessalonians, chapter 2, Paul gives…

How Can I Fully Engage All Group Members In The Conversation?
How to Facilitate Better Conversations Do you long for productive and meaningful conversations your small group? There are several ways to be intentional about encouraging active, authentic discussion in your small group. First, don’t be afraid of silence. Too often…

What Should I Do About Difficult People?
How to Deal with Difficult People in Your Small Group All of us who have led small groups have had people in our group who are a little bit difficult to manage. Sometimes they require a little bit of extra…

How Should I Handle Tension Or Controversy Among Group Members?
How to Handle Tension and Controversy Among Group Members It’s something that happens in every small group at some point in its journey, maybe in the first couple of weeks or in the first couple of years. But there is…
Spiritual Simplicity Coaching

Session 1: All You Need is Love
Setting the Stage for Spiritual Simplicity This coaching video with Pastors Chip Ingram and Lance Witt will help you create the right environment for God to move in your group. Get practical ideas that will help you prepare for group…

Session 2: What’s Love Got to Do With It?
Facilitating Authentic Discussion in Groups For leaders, this week is about helping your members build (and safeguard) margin into their lives in ways that will help them experience God’s love in it’s simplest form. Pastors Chip Ingram and Lance Witt…

Session 3: Love is the Answer
Addressing Sensitive Subjects This session addresses how love responds to hurt, and can be a sensitive topic. Leading with honesty and transparency in an atmosphere of grace will help your group be ok with allowing others to speak honestly into…

Session 4: Love Me Tender
Celebrating the Differences in Your Group Practical ways that leaders can help your group recognize and celebrate the unique differences – and strengths – of your group members. Learn how to recognize those differences in a way that ups ownership…

Session 5: Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places
The Importance of Modeling Transparency Session 5 examines how love responds to failure, and asks members to share specific failures they have experience. Pastors Chip Ingram and Lance Witt offer pointers for leaders that will help you create a safe…

Session 6: In the Name of Love
Getting Your Group to Take Next Steps This session is all about having the tough conversations that will challenge your group to take next steps and apply what they are learning to their everyday life. Learn what it takes to…

Session 7: What the World Needs Now
Encouraging Words for Painful Topics Pointers for leaders that will help your members close that gap between the reality of their family experience and God’s plan. Ideas that will help you navigate an often emotionally charged topic with sensitivity by…

Session 8: Get On Board the Love Train
Helping Members Make Changes that Stick The final session looks beyond a simplified life in the short term to identify what is required to sustain these changes over time. Help your members make the leap with everyday practices that grow…