Father teaching core values to child

5 Core Values That Will Leave A Legacy That Lasts Forever

By Chip Ingram

You have a legacy to share with those you love, and today is the day to start sharing it. 

The 5 core values of our faith that we must pass on to the next generation: 

Get more ideas and practical insights when you watch the YouTube teaching series, Leave A Legacy That Lasts Forever.


Have you identified core values of the faith that you plan to leave as a legacy to your loved ones? 

The average person will neglect to pass on what matters most to the people they love the most. Could that be you? 

I’m not talking about the heirloom jewelry or precious artwork that has been handed down for generations. I’m referring to the truth you’ve encountered that, when introduced to others, will change lives right now and for generations to come. 

You have a legacy to share with those you love, and today is the day to start sharing it. 

Most Christians have good intentions of sharing their faith and testimonies of God in their life, but the moment just doesn’t present itself.

We lack strategy. 

We don’t have a game plan.

We’re playing the legacy thing “by ear,” figuring we’ll get to it later.

Later is now.

And then there are people who have a specific game plan for passing on the tenants of their faith: they know who the people are, they know what they want to pass on, and they have an actual plan to do it. 

This can be you, too.

During my latest broadcast series, Leaving A Legacy That Lasts Forever, I will give you the 5 core values of our faith that we must pass on to the next generation. 

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Taking the example of Paul who poured his legacy into his spiritual son, Timothy, we’ll walk through the transferable concepts that will radically change the way we think, which will sustain a change in behavior. We’ll explore the values of teaching others to:

  • Suffer well
  • Work unto the Lord
  • Manage wealth wisely
  • Make wise choices
  • Live grace-filled lives

It’s not about teaching others to “do” specific things. It’s about a worldview, a new perspective. 

You want people to think differently about who God is, who they are and their identity in Him. And from this worldview would come a set of values implanted in their hearts so they live out their new identity in Christ with pure motivations. 

Let’s take a look at those core values here, but make sure to tune in for the full 5-part series, Leaving A Legacy That Lasts Forever, available to you on YouTube.  

1. Teach Them To Suffer Well

News flash: Suffering isn’t just NORMAL, it’s expected. We might all be better equipped to handle it if we didn’t experience such surprise when it creeps through our door. 

In fact, the very last thing Jesus said was, “In the world you will have tribulation. But I have overcome the world!”

In a nutshell: Life is hard, but God is good. @ChipIngram Share on X

As you hear in this clip, be encouraged: God is in control. 

A key ingredient in learning to suffer well is preparing those we teach to live soberly and not over spiritualize or hide from the suffering they’re experiencing. Encourage people around you to talk openly about concerns or suffering they’re encountering, and be sure to set an example by also having transparency in this area. 

A great exercise in this area is to encourage others to ask themselves about the possible cause of their suffering. Is it a form of spiritual opposition? Is their trial a consequence of poor choices? No matter, God cares infinitely about their situation. Introduce them to His words regarding suffering and pray for their faith to gain strength. 

2. Teach Them to Work “Unto the Lord”

First of all, “work” is a calling, not a means of income. @ChipIngram Share on X

Every single one of us was created for special work — work that is meant to flow from God’s unique design and purpose for our lives. Pass on to the next generation the core importance of discovering that calling. 

Check out my YouTube teaching to get insight on taking a personal assessment of gifts, passion and wiring, and how to humbly seek wise counsel for clarification.

It’s easy to stay in the comfort of our own preferences. In your legacy strategy, be sure to encourage a trusting faith that is willing to move out of the comfort zone in order to fulfill their divine purpose.

3. Teach Them To Manage Their Wealth Wisely

Your life is a sacred stewardship — not just your money, but your LIFE.

God has entrusted His things — time, talent, TREASURE — to us to manage for Him, and He expects a POSITIVE return on His investment. 

Here are a couple practical ways to encourage your kids or grandkids or mentees to manage their wealth wisely and become faithful in the “little” things first:

  1. Help them recognize the three purposes of money are giving, saving, and spending. (Find more in the Bible on this concept at 1 Timothy 6:17-19.)
  2. Encourage them to commit to honor God with the first fruits of every paycheck to remind them that it’s GOD’S money, not their own. (Find more in the Bible on this concept at Proverbs 3:9-10.)
  3. Encourage them to make time with God their #1 priority so they’ll know how to invest the time, talent, and treasure entrusted to them. (Read Mark 1:35 for Biblical encouragement for this truth.)

Do any of these concepts challenge you personally? Humbly challenge yourself to approach your time, talents and treasure as a sacred stewardship.

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4. Teach Them To Make Wise Choices

Few things will determine the quality and fulfillment of your life like the choices you make – for better or for worse. 

Choosing holy living allows you to experience God’s BEST for your life. Period. 

But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:15-16 

God is holy, God is truth, and His Word defines absolute truth. These laws (truth) are for our protection and will refine us to make us more holy. We need to ask God for discernment to apply these truths to our lives. 

Discerning good from evil is a muscle to be developed, and in my video teaching of this series, we talk about tangible ways to go about building that muscle, like considering what we put into our minds, who we spend our time with, and how to ask God for discernment. 

For extra study, take a look at 2 Samuel 11 and study the very human, broken warrior named David who was described as a “man after God’s own heart.” The message to his story is that it’s not about our mistakes, it’s about the recovery. 

5. Teach Them To Live Grace-Filled Lives

We must teach our children and grandchildren their failure is never final. They will, no doubt, experience failure, but it’s crucial they see each circumstance through the lens of a loving Father. 

Each one of us was created to give and receive grace. @ChipIngram Share on X

Each one of us was created to give and receive grace, and when we can lead with that tenant, we can live with gratitude towards God and love for His creation (including ourselves) — and maybe even experience more joy along the way!

How can we experience grace more fully in our lives? 

Remove the power of secrecy and condemnation by living a life that is filled with the regular practice of repentance. By getting sins out into the open, we receive not only God’s forgiveness, but also experience His restoration! 

Also, instruct others to refuse to live with a “performance-orientation” in relationship with God and instead approach Him with a grace-orientation. This can begin in the home, where we create a pressure-free environment where each family member can feel safe to experience failure.


When the apostle Paul wanted to teach about how lasting, supernatural change occurs, after eleven chapters of truth, he opens up Romans chapter 12 and says, “It begins with offering yourself as a living sacrifice.” And then he says, “Don’t be conformed any longer to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

When we thoughtfully teach these 5 core values to our loved ones, we can watch expectantly, knowing their minds have the chance to be renewed, and their faith and relationship with God is being transformed. 


Hear more about ways to pass on your legacy when you watch my 5-part YouTube series, Leave A Legacy That Lasts Forever. You’ll have access to discussion notes and reflection questions for further study on the topic.

Written By

Chip Ingram

Founder & Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge

Chip Ingram is the CEO and teaching pastor of Living on the Edge, an international teaching and discipleship ministry. A pastor for over thirty years, Chip has a unique ability to communicate truth and challenge people to live out their faith. He is the author of many books, including The Real God, Culture Shock and The Real Heaven. Chip and his wife, Theresa, have four grown children and twelve grandchildren and live in California.

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