At Living on the Edge, we inspire and equip pastors to build healthy, disciple-making churches all around the world. This year, through the incredible partnerships God has brought our way, He opened the door for us to begin serving 8,500 churches in Nepal. Our A.R.T. of Survival training from James chapter 1 is spreading like river tributaries throughout Ethiopia, Kenya, and India. And just a couple of weeks ago, we partnered with Movement Day in Dubai to bring training to pastors all throughout the Arab-speaking world. We are humbled how God’s hand of blessing is on the ministry and pray for His continued favor.

Equipping Pastors Around the World with High Impact Church Training
Did you know only 14 percent of pastors believe they are very effective at making disciples? High Impact Church training aims to fill the void! To date, over 8,000 churches across 7 countries have embraced it.
What is High Impact Church training? A yearlong training program that teaches Jesus's model of discipleship and includes practical training to build a healthy, disciple-making church.

Movement Day
On February 24, Living on the Edge was proud to participate in Movement Day in Dubai. Movement Day is a multi-day conference bringing together ministry, marketplace, and nonprofit leaders from all denominational, ethnic, geographic, and socio-economic divides with the aim to bring the Gospel of Jesus to local cities worldwide.
More than 45,000 city officials have received training, hungry for God and community.

God is powerfully at work through Living on the Edge in 2024 to fill the gap of biblical discipleship. Chip's teaching series this quarter have helped followers of Jesus understand how to order their lives and strengthen their relationships God's way. Thousands of people have been blessed by Chip's Daily Discipleship series, including our new series The Invisible War. The Real You has helped more than 30,000 people discover God's unique gifting to step into service to others. And we are reaching a Millennial and Gen Z audience through our recent social media push for The Real You. God is confirming that this resource is meeting a real need in the world!

"I started Daily Discipleship Bible studies in January, beginning with Discover Your True Self, and I bought and read the book, too. What an amazing journey! My husband joined me shortly after and did the same! These studies and teachings have been an instrumental part of my spiritual growth this year. I look forward to each study, and my goal is to complete them all by December. I am so grateful for Chip's mentorship in my life." —Robyn from Alabama

"I have listened to your podcast for more than 20 years! Your words and how you present each message is incredible! You have helped me get through so many difficulties in my life. I listen to your messages daily. They keep me connected to God and working on myself to have a great relationship with Him and lead others to Christ. Thank you for your commitment to bringing others to Christ and sharing the Gospel with the world." —Peggy from Texas

Not Beyond Reach has sold over 6,000 copies since its release in September 2023. Our Living on the Edge audience has expressed how much this resource has helped them have hope and feel equipped to reach the young people in their lives for Jesus. Stay tuned for a new initiative we are developing this year to reach and disciple the Next Generation with the good news of Jesus.
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