These days it seems like there are as many theories about Jesus Christ as there are people in the world! It’s crazy what some people think about the most influential person to have ever walked on this planet.
Jesus’s life and teachings are indisputably at the center of human history. Yes, He has been debated for centuries. Opponents say He was just a con man, a revolutionary, a great moral prophet, or some enlightened being we are all supposed to aspire to. But He claimed to be the Messiah, the Son of God, the Savior of the world.

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Free MP3Listen NowMaybe you claim to believe Jesus is who He said He is: God Incarnate and the Lord of all. Great! But do you have a solid foundation that supports that belief?
For most Christians, our view of who Jesus is is primarily filtered by what our friends say, or by what we remember from Sunday school, or snippets we heard on the media, or opinions we’ve read in someone’s book.
In fact, the majority of self-identified, church-going Christians in the United States only read the Bible—Jesus’ “authorized biography”—when we come to church.
It doesn’t have to be that way. The Bible is complex, yes, but it’s accessible to anyone. There are ways to study it and understand it. There’s evidence based on the original New Testament documents that anyone can access. But you have to truly want to find out who Jesus is.
We need to follow the real Jesus, not the one we might have in our heads. Is your Jesus the Jesus of the Bible?
Think about four really important questions. First: Who is Jesus? Second: Who is He to you? Third: Why do you believe that? Whoever He is in your mind, why do you believe that is true? And finally: What difference does that make? Does what you believe about Jesus make any real difference in your life?
How you answer those four questions will determine the quality of your life on this earth and the future of your life after you die. That’s pretty important, wouldn’t you say?
If you and I approach Jesus in this unfiltered way, we will find answers that will turn our lives upside down. You owe it to yourself to check it out!
Following the real Jesus can change your life. Learn more from the Jesus Unfiltered Series from Living on the Edge.

Written By
Chip Ingram
Founder & Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram is the CEO and teaching pastor of Living on the Edge, an international teaching and discipleship ministry. A pastor for over thirty years, Chip has a unique ability to communicate truth and challenge people to live out their faith. He is the author of many books, including The Real God, Culture Shock and The Real Heaven. Chip and his wife, Theresa, have four grown children and twelve grandchildren and live in California.
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