We sometimes struggle with a scarcity mentality. We fear there’s not enough money, jobs, or even love to go around. This negative view can sadly spill over into our view of God.
But what would happen if you believed the Creator of the Universe was actually a generous God? Theologian J.I. Packer says generosity “expresses the simple wish that others would have what they need to make them happy.” What a concept! Is it possible that God is concerned with our happiness? That He is actively working to bring His good into our lives – even into the facets of your life right now that seem hopeless?
Think about what a difference-maker that can be in our thinking. What if we chose to believe that God’s innate goodness is expressed in His overwhelming generosity toward us? If we can truly grasp the depth of His goodness, it has the potential to radically impact how we view God, our circumstances, and our prayer life.
Take a moment to watch this message excerpt from Chip to learn how the character of God relates to your happiness.
To find out more about the goodness of God, check out our series entitled The Real God.

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Staff Writers
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