How To Start Reading the Bible
When I became a Christian, I didn’t have a clue about how to read the Bible, and I remember feeling intimidated about how – and where – to begin.
And so let me give you two or three suggestions that might really help. Number one, start in the New Testament. Get a translation that’s easy to read, like the New Living Translation, something that if you’re just starting, like me, I did not understand much of what was going on. The second thing is, is you do need some help. So find one that’s easy to read and then just start reading it. Just put it in your schedule. Even if you don’t understand it all, don’t sweat it. Just read through the New Testament and say, God, speak to me. And you’ll be excited about what happens.
Second, let me give you two tools. One is a series I did, I have it on audio, called “Ancient Paths to Intimacy with God.” And in this one, I literally pedantically, I mean, very specifically go through how to study and read the Bible devotionally, how to pray, how to meet with other Christians and experience Christ in those relationships. It’s those ancient paths of how we receive and relate to God and experience His grace.
The second is, there is a Bible put out by a group called Walk Through the Bible and it’s called The Daily Walk Bible. I read this. Takes you through the Bible in a year. And let me just give you permission. Some of it you have to read quite a bit. You don’t have to stay on track. It’s okay if it takes a year and a half. But you read through the Bible in a year and it gives you the background, it will give you a specific insight, and it’ll give you a way to apply it. I probably read The Daily Walk Bible every year through the Bible the first ten or fifteen years I was a Christian. And, I mean, it’s awesome. You’ll really, really enjoy it.
So are you ready? Find one you can read, start in the New Testament, you might get that series I talked about, Ancient Paths, and then get a Daily Walk Bible and see if you can’t just say, God, speak to me.

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