
Social Restoration

Bringing Peace & Renewal to a Polarized World

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Research tells us, and we see it played out every day, that the current culture is bearing down on the Church with such pressure that it’s sometimes difficult to see how they’re different. Taught by Chip’s son, Pastor Ryan Ingram, Social Restoration looks at how it’s possible for the Church of Jesus Christ to be IN the world, but not OF the world. Ryan provides practical, biblical solutions to how we can counter the cultural pressure and bring light, not heat, to a world that’s, literally, falling apart.

SKU: DA34006-CP Categories: , Product Format: MP3


This four part audio series includes the following message titles:

  • Phase 1: Social Distinction

In this first message, Ryan Ingram uncovers the trap of playing favorites. We see it in families, in communities, in politics, and in churches. The problem is that it destroys relationships and is absolutely counter to what the Apostle Paul wrote when he said – in Christ, there is no distinction. James wrote about it too, when he counseled us to – Stop playing favorites! Social restoration begins when followers of Jesus embrace his teaching that there are no social distinctions.

  • Phase 2: Social Action

In this message, Ryan Ingram encourages us that in Christ we have a calling to good works! He reminds us of Paul’s teaching in Ephesians – We are not saved BY good works; we are saved FOR good works. He goes on to say that action is the completion of faith, not in competition with faith. Put simply, social restoration demands that followers of Jesus put their faith into social action.

  • Phase 3: Social Language

In this message, Ryan Ingram helps us see the importance of taking every thought captive, BEFORE it comes out of our mouth.  There are four key questions to ask before you speak:

  1. Is it true?
  2. Is it helpful?
  3. Is it kind?
  4. Have I truly listened?

Social restoration requires followers of Jesus to do the ” heart work” of speaking a redemptive social language.

  • Phase 4: Social Wisdom

In this final message, Ryan Ingram reminds us that wisdom is the key to thoughts, and actions, and speech that honors God and brings about social restoration.  Wisdom isn’t knowledge; it’s the skill of applying knowledge in order to reap the benefits of God’s designs for life and the universe. Social restoration is cultivated by followers of Jesus sowing peace, demonstrating true social wisdom.


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SKU: DA34006-CP Categories: , Product Format: MP3