This five part audio series includes the following message titles:
- Agenda #1: Divide and Conquer
You’ve probably heard someone tell you that Jesus has a plan for your life. Well, did you know that Satan has a plan for your life too? Chip begins this series by explaining how to identify Satan’s tactics, protect yourself from his schemes, and keep from falling prey to his plan to divide and conquer.
- Agenda #2: Maintain the Status Quo
There’s something about tradition that makes us feel secure, connected, and grounded. But sometimes, what we’re used to isn’t always right. There may be a dark side to our traditions, even good traditions of our faith, that can destroy the very thing they’re meant to preserve. Join Chip as he reveals how to protect your faith, family, and relationships from unhealthy religious habits and rituals.
- Agenda #3: Intimidate and Isolate
Do you feel like you’re down for the count? Do you desperately need hope, encouragement, and peace? In this message, Chip shares how the worst situations in you life can become the greatest opportunities for personal growth – and for God’s glory.
- Agenda #4: Death by Lethal Religion
You’ve heard the phrase, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Well, that can actually be true of religious things. Join Chip as he reveals that it’s possible to be doing good things, right things, religious things, and yet be going in the wrong direction spiritually.
- Agenda #5: Perpetuate Prejudice
How do you feel when someone judges you – or worse yet, mis-judges you? When prejudice raises its ugly head and you’re the target, it’s one of the most painful experiences you can endure. So how do we stop prejudice? Chip explains six principles, from Acts chapter 10, that will help you identify and confront the prejudice around you.
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