NOW PLAYING: Let's Process What's Going On Around Us–Together
Download MP3We Ask God To:
1. Continue to use Living on the Edge to provide Biblical wisdom and practical help to a divided nation.
2. Bring together 10,000 church leaders, through our global partnerships, to launch online leadership training in January.
3. Provide the finances through the Year End Match to finish strong in 2020 and launch what God is calling us to do in 2021.
We Thank God For:
1. The broad release of Chip’s new book, The A.R.T. of Survival, written to help believers navigate these turbulent times.
2. Opening new doors for ministry in India and Africa and continuing to give us access to Chinese pastors when most ministry organizations have been forced out of the country.
3. Using the radio, podcast, digital app, and website every single day to help believers face the future with confidence.

Do You Recognize God's Agenda?
“The sons of Issachar understood the times and knew what Israel should do.”
–1 Chronicles 12:32
The quote above refers to a group of astute leaders who lived in a time of extreme upheaval and drastic change. They understood that a major shift was occurring and recognized God’s agenda and committed to doing it.
Today we live in a similar time of upheaval and drastic change. Now, more than ever, we must recognize God’s agenda and commit to doing it!
This Coffee Break recording is a MUST-LISTEN!
In it, I share with you a process to:
- Accurately Assess: Where are we?
- Wisely Address: What should we do?
- Boldly Act: How do we follow God’s agenda?
Yes, we must mourn the loss of the Judeo-Christian values that once complemented and reinforced our faith in America. The days of clearly defined “right and wrong,” marriage as a forever commitment, integrity in one’s word, gender defined by one’s birth anatomy, and the nuclear family as the bedrock of society are gone.
We live in a new day with new rules and new values—values that are antithetical or even hostile to the clear teaching of Scripture. We as followers of Jesus are now living in a culture that is much more like that of first-century Christians than last-century Christians.
As a result, we are at a crossroads. We can whine, complain, argue, and lament over “who stole our country,” or we can be like the sons of Issachar, who understood the times and recognized what they must do.
1. We Must Own “Our Part” and Repent!
The decline of Christian character, morality, and commitment to marriage, and obsession with wealth, education, and upward mobility and status happened on our watch. We must all come humbly before God and specifically confess our sin, our idolatry, and our complacency as the first step toward a new beginning.
2. We Must Reclaim Our Identity and Our Mission!
You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. –1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)
We are NOT Democrats, Republicans, or Americans who happen to be Christians. We are first and foremost God’s people, God’s possession, and God’s ambassadors.
God has called us to declare His praise by obeying Jesus’s Great Commandment (love God, love your neighbors) and His Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) to make disciples of all people groups in the world. Practically, that means…
…Helping Christians Live Like Christians
This is our theme, our passion, and our track record at Living on the Edge. It is no accident that the name of our ministry is Living on the Edge, and in reality, we are all now living on the edge.
History makes it clear that God raises up people who are equipped with His Word and believe in His promises. We are doubling down in this time of uncertainty to train Christians to transform their world as we enter 2021.
I assure you that God’s agenda will be fulfilled. There is no one and nothing that can thwart His purposes. The real question is, will we be a part of that “chosen people, royal priesthood, and holy nation” that declares His plan and His provision for our world?
It will take all of us working together, praying together, and sharing our gifts and resources sacrificially to see “His kingdom come and His will be done” in our lifetime.
As you read through the Ministry Report, I invite you to praise God for what He’s done through us in 2020 and pray about joining us at a new level of commitment as we face 2021 with confidence and holy expectation.
Because of the generosity of a small group of ministry partners, every gift given in December will be doubled, dollar for dollar.
Will you help us double what is given between now and December 31?
This Year End Match will cover all of our ongoing expenses to end the year strong, as well as position us to do what God is calling us to do in 2021. Please read the 2021 portion of the ministry report as we seek to move forward by God’s grace and your support.
We believe that God is calling us to continue to expand our ministry impact in 2021. We have an unstoppable passion to help spiritually hungry Christians all over the world become mature followers of Christ.
Will you pray and ask God what He would have you do to join us in this effort? We need your fervent prayers and financial partnership. Will you join us?
Thank you in advance for doing whatever God leads you to do,
Chip Ingram
CEO and Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge