CD Series

How to Raise a Healthy Family in a Modern World

Original price was: $14.95.Current price is: $5.00.

Raising a family comes with all kinds of challenges.  Raising a HEALTHY family seems like nothing short of a miracle! Parents and children who genuinely love and respect one another, who speak with concern and civility, who sacrifice unselfishly because that’s what the situation requires – sounds a little weird! But wouldn’t it be wonderful to live in a family that operates that way! How to raise a healthy family ISN’T a mystery, but it DOES require some counter-cultural thinking. In this series, Chip addresses some key elements for what it takes to raise a godly, healthy family in a modern world.

This is a two disc CD series

21 in stock

SKU: A933849-00 Categories: , Product Format: CD Series


This two part audio series includes key elements for raising a healthy family in today’s world:

  • Guess Who’s Behind Families that Thrive

Is there a unique key to raising a healthy family? There’s MORE than one! But there’s a significant person who can make or break the scenario, and that’s the person Chip’s talking about in this message about who’s behind families that not only survive, but families that thrive!

  • How to Raise Godly Kids in an Ungodly World

This message is a MUST for parents and grandparents who are committed to raising a healthy family in a very unhealthy culture.  Chip provides the answers to three questions that help you clarify the goal, the role, and the responsibility of those who desire a healthy family.  He explains the Principle of Relationship, and then gives you eight keys for building relationships with your children that create bonds that’ll hold you together, through the toughest times.

Additional Information

Weight 0.56 lbs
Dimensions 6.5 × 6.5 × 1 in



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SKU: A933849-00 Categories: , Product Format: CD Series