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NOW PLAYING: Find Hope in the Middle of the Chaos

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Top Three Requests

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  • Ask that God would powerfully use Chip’s new book, Discovering Your True Self, to help us (believers) to see ourselves as God sees us… so we can love others as He loves us.

  • Ask that God miraculously intervene in the global church wrestling with lockdowns and restrictions due to COVID-19. Many places around the world have far worse conditions than the USA.

  • Ask that God will move the LOTE family to invite others (family/friends/co-workers) to join the Daily Discipleship with Chip study of Ephesians Chapters 1-3 beginning September 14th.

Top Three Praises

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  • For opening doors to encourage and sustain pastors, leaders, and young professionals in 300 cities in India through Chip’s webinar last month and the three video messages given to each.

  • For the opportunity to pray daily for the LOTE family as they share their praises and many challenges with family, future, and finances.

  • For the training of pastors representing 18 cities of China and distributing 200,000 copies of the True Spirituality: How to Become a Romans 12 Christian (despite the pandemic).



The Art of Survival

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What is Your HOPE Quotient Right Now?

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life. –Proverbs 13:12 NASB

How are you holding up? What’s the biggest challenge you’re facing right now? How’s the family? Where is God speaking to you?

Those are the questions a close friend asked me last week when we reconnected after many months. We compared notes, shared hearts, and spoke words of life to one another. When I hung up the phone my heart was filled with HOPE.

So let me ask you, how would you answer those questions? What’s your HOPE quotient right now? On a scale of -10 to +10, where are you?

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Someone has wisely observed that hope is the oxygen of the soul. We can live without food for about 3 weeks, without water for about 3 or 4 days, but when hope is gone… We’re done!

I don’t know about you, but my hope quotient took a big dip when schools and businesses didn’t open up this fall and when the cultural and political divisiveness didn’t improve.

There are a lot of circumstances and reasons to be discouraged if our focus is ONLY on what we can see. Why? Because…

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Your FOCUS determines your feelings.

Your FEELINGS determine your function.

Your FUNCTION determines your future.

That’s why the apostle Paul, in the midst of his greatest adversity, reminds us to “fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” -2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV

So where is your FOCUS right now? Is it on problems or promises? What is seen or unseen? What are your emotions telling you about your focus?

A VITAL QUESTION : What must you do this fall to habitually FOCUS on “what is unseen” so your heart will be filled with HOPE?

A PERSONAL INVITATION : I will meet with you beginning September 14th for a solid month (5 days per week) to FOCUS on the most important “unseen things” that are true of you this very minute!

It’s called Daily Discipleship with Chip. I will walk you through Ephesians chapters 1-3 as your personal spiritual coach.

  • You will learn how God sees you as His child.
  • You will learn how to study the Bible for yourself.
  • You will learn to love yourself the way God loves you.
  • You will learn how to silence the lies of your past.
  • You will learn to actually experience your new identity “in Christ.”

I hope you’ll commit to join me on this life-changing journey.


Because the greatest need in America and the world is for Christians to LOVE THEIR NEIGHBORS! Only radical, Christlike love will heal racism, political division, and reveal Jesus to fractured and hurting people.

But we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. We cannot impart what we do not possess. Until we grasp how loved, accepted, valued, and secure we are “in Christ,” we will never be able to treat others as Jesus has treated us.

The BIG ANSWER to our world’s chaos is not political, philosophical, or religious—it’s spiritual!

God’s breakthroughs come when His people believe what He has said is true about them, about the future, and about His love for those blinded by the enemy.

This fall we will face greater and deeper challenges as Christians and as Americans. We must be rooted and grounded in love (Ephesians 3:17), filled with His Spirit, and prepared to live and speak the truth in love.

I invite you to join me to prepare your heart and fix your eyes on what is true, unseen, and eternal, so we can be Christians who live like Christians in the challenging days ahead.

By His Spirit, in His Power (2 Timothy 1:7),

Chip Ingram
CEO & Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge
