daily Broadcast
The Law of Inspiration – Creating Meaningful Worship Experiences
From the series How to Grow a High Impact Church
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About this series
How to Grow a High Impact Church
God's design is for each of us to grow from our seeds of faith into mighty trees, then join with other trees into a forest, or church, that grows in both size and spiritual depth. His true measure of church growth is not centered on the numbers..it's the fruit..measured by IMPACT. Pastors and church leaders are confronted each day with challenges, barriers, opportunities, and decisions related to the growth of their local church. Although every church is unique, there are some God ordained principles that apply to all churches which help initiate, direct, and measure your church's IMPACT in the lives of individuals, families, communities, and the world. Join Chip Ingram to discover how to transform your local body of Christ into a healthy, holy, HIGH IMPACT church. Chip Ingram has identified 12 culturally relevant, powerful principles that consistently build churches with HIGH IMPACT.
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