A Life-Giving Relationship with God, Part 1
Do you long to keep the love, the spark, the intimacy alive in your marriage? In this program, Chip will help us do just that – as he kicks off his series, Keeping Love Alive, Volume 4. Stay with us as Chip identifies 4 relationships great marriages have in common… and why they’re vital for you and your spouse.
A Life-Giving Relationship with God, Part 2
Have you seen those news stories of couples who’ve been married for 5, 6, or even 7 decades? What’s their secret? How did they make it? In this program, Chip shares the answer as he continues his series, Keeping Love Alive, Volume 4. Don’t miss how you can build a strong, life-long bond with your mate.
A Healthy Relationship with Yourself, Part 1
Where do you find security and identity? In this program, Chip says – ‘If it’s in your spouse.. your relationship is in trouble!’ He’ll explain why couples who look to one another for wholeness won’t survive. Join us as we discover how to develop a healthy view of ourselves and the impact it can have on our marriages.
A Healthy Relationship with Yourself, Part 2
Do you love how God made you? Or are you overly critical and harsh with yourself? Often feeling like you never measure up. In this program, Chip stresses that a thriving marriage is built on a healthy view of ourselves. Wanna learn more? Then join us as we continue Chip’s series, Keeping Love Alive, Volume 4.
An Intimate Relationship with Christ's Body, Part 1
Have you ever held those big ropes boats use to tie onto docks or lower anchors? They’re big and heavy, created to withstand incredible weight. In this program, Chip picks up in his series, Keeping Love Alive, Volume 4. If your relationship is under a lot of stress right now, join Chip as he identifies the ‘ropes’ that hold great marriages together when the going gets tough… and actually makes ‘em stronger.
An Intimate Relationship with Christ's Body, Part 2
Here’s a fact: you will never have a marriage that God wants for you if you are not deeply connected to the body of Christ. In this program, Chip continues his series, Keeping Love Alive, Volume 4. He’s gonna unpack the power of authentic community and how it can dramatically change your marriage forever.
A Christ-Like Relationship to Personal Attacks and Injustice, Part 1
We all carry around emotional wounds. Whether it was something someone said or did, those scars stick with you. But what happens when that deep hurt comes from your spouse? How we act toward our spouse in arguments or tense circumstances is vital to the health of our relationships. In this program, Chip’s gonna teach us how to respond well to pain and injustice – especially when it comes from our mate.
A Christ-Like Relationship to Personal Attacks and Injustice, Part 2
When you feel dismissed, neglected, or insulted by your spouse, what do you do? Pout? Go silent? Retaliate? In this program, Chip’s gonna help us respond to hurt and pain in a biblical way by teaching from Romans chapter 12. Discover how your marriage can survive, heal and move forward when we wound one another.