Think Great Thoughts, Part 1
If you’re married, you want a great marriage - not just a good one. Right? If you run a business you want to build a great business. Right? Chip begins this series by sharing ten practices that will help take the guess work out of moving from good to great in the eyes of God.
Think Great Thoughts, Part 2
If you want to change for the better there are seven key areas that you must cultivate in your thought life. In this message, Chip explains those key areas in a message he calls “Think Great Thoughts.”
Develop Great Habits, Part 1
Chip shares an ultra-practical message: how to develop great habits - ones that cultivate grace and produce a life of lasting impact, and deep personal satisfaction. Join Chip and learn how to begin developing great habits!
Develop Great Habits, Part 2
Habits are powerful things. They can produce unbelievable pain or lasting blessings. So, how do we develop great habits that cultivate the very best that God wants for us?
Read Great Books, Part 1
It’s true - you are what you eat. Both in your body and your mind. What you feed your mind and soul will determine your spiritual health. If you want to experience a fresh spiritual vitality and begin to see lasting life change, join Chip for the first of six advantages of reading great books.
Read Great Books, Part 2
It’s true - you are what you eat. Both in your body and your mind. What you feed your mind and soul will determine your spiritual health. If you want to experience a fresh spiritual vitality and begin to see lasting life change, join Chip as he finishes up the six advantages of reading great books.
Pursue Great People, Part 1
Relationships are a powerful tool to build character and determine personal direction. If you long to make an impact in this world there are some key relationships you’ll want to pursue. Chip talks about how to discover and develop those type of important relationships.
Pursue Great People, Part 2
The road to greatness is not walked alone. In fact, greatness is never achieved in a vacuum. It is forged in community. Chip shares how you can build relationships that bring out the best in you and bless those around you.
Dream Great Dreams, Part 1
God is looking for ordinary people to do extraordinary things for Him. Do you believe that? It’s true. But in order to move this from your head to your heart, you need to take one very important step. Chip reveals what that step is. Don’t miss it!
Dream Great Dreams, Part 2
Would you like to rekindle your dreams? Your dreams of doing something great? Chip lays out bite-sized ways to begin re-igniting dreams for your life, marriage, children, career, and ministry.
Pray Great Prayers, Part 1
Did you know there’s a secret weapon God has instructed us to use on our journey of faith to protect us and provide us with power when we get discouraged? It’s called prayer. And if you want to be great in God’s eyes, you need to know how to pray great prayers.
Pray Great Prayers, Part 2
What kind of faith does it take to ask for the improbable, expect the impossible, and receive the unthinkable? It’s a faith that God has promised to give you. In this message, Chip tells how to take hold of it!
Make Great Sacrifices, Part 1
Chip continues this series with a topic that most of us rarely think about. And yet, it is one of the most important keys to cultivating an intimate walk with God. Join Chip as he shares how making great sacrifices is the gateway to greatness with God.
Make Great Sacrifices, Part 2
Want to become great in God’s eyes? In this message, you’ll learn why sacrifice and greatness go hand in hand.