Last year you gave a gift to the mid-year match and we can’t thank you enough. We had no idea what the past year would bring, but God knew and your gift made a huge difference.
Just before the pandemic hit we were able to distribute 114,000 copies of The Real God in Hubei Province, China, which Wuhan is the capital–just before all the churches were shut down. We didn’t know, but God knew!
Then, when the pandemic hit, we were able to quickly create Daily Discipleship with Chip, Mealtime Conversations, and Navigating Life with Adult Children. Now, we are working on discipleship resources that will help Christians live like Christians in these days of conflict and division.
We are in the midst of our mid-year match, where a small group of donors has committed to matching, dollar-for-dollar, every contribution. It’s an opportunity to ensure we have the resources necessary to help people in great need, at a time when they need it most.
Would you prayerfully consider giving a special gift this month? Again, your gift will be doubled through the generosity of a small group of partners.
Thank you for your faithful consideration.
Chip Ingram
CEO & Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge