Aren’t we all looking for real intimacy for life with our “soul mate?” Just browse and check out the romance novels, the self-help section, or the relational resources rack. Notice how so many volumes focus in one way or another on affection, romantic love, or how to have a great relationship. Advertisers figured out long ago that our preoccupation with emotional connectedness and sex provided a great way to sell merchandise. Whether it’s using sex to sell beer and cars during Superbowl timeouts or showing scenes from loving relationships while they are trying to convince us to try a new prescription, the underlying message remains constant – the key to happiness and fulfillment in life is all about love, sex and lasting relationships.
There are so many temptations in the world around us to help us get us off track and confuse us about what a healthy and strong relationship looks like. If we’re not careful, we can be easily deceived into thinking the world’s view of love and relationships is the best option.
Make no mistake, “it’s God’s way,” says Chip Ingram. There’s a better way to find real intimacy for life, the way God intended it – whether single or married, happy or searching for hope – Love, Sex, and Lasting Relationships, will help you discover the key to happiness by following God’s prescription, you can create a love that lasts.
This five part CD series is based on live teaching from Chip’s popular book, and will enable you go deeper into Scripture to discover God’s best plan for a lifetime of love and closeness with your spouse.
Regardless of your current relationship status, this series will help you discover:
- The Secret to a Lasting Relationship
How do you stop the upsetting pattern of relationships that fail? Have you tried over and over, with different people, but true intimacy remains illusive? Chip reveals the secret to enjoying a relationship that will last.
- How to Know If You’re In Love
If you cold take a test and find out if you’re in love or just infatuated, would you do it? You could make the biggest mistake of your life unless you know who to tell the difference between genuine love and ooey gooey emotion. Join Chip as he explains how you can know if you’ve got the real thing.
- Love and Sex: Why Knowing the Difference Makes All the Difference
When we fail to understand the difference between love and sex we are doomed to failure in both our relationships and our sexuality. Would you like to know what God thinks about sex? Join Chip as he shares God’s view of sex and how knowing the difference between love and sex will make all the difference.
- How to Be Sexually Pure In a Sex-saturated World
There is an epidemic in evangelical Christianity, and the epidemic is lust. If you want to discover God’s weapon for slaying the dragon of lust, then join Chip as he tackles this very controversial but important topic.
- Wake Up World! There’s a Better Way to Do Relationships
If you could ask God what would be the best way to attract a person of the opposite sex in a way that would please Him and satisfy you, would you like to hear His answer? From God’s Word, Chip reveals how we can do just that.
Download message notes here.
To read more about how to find real intimacy for life, CLICK the blogs tab here.
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