CD Series

Keeping Love Alive, Volume 2

Four Biblical Skills Great Marriages Have in Common

Original price was: $18.95.Current price is: $5.00.

It’s hard to believe there are couples who’ve been married for thirty, forty, or even fifty years.  So, what’s their secret? In this series, Chip shares the newest volume in his ongoing series, “Keeping Love Alive.”  As he teaches from the book of Colossians, he’ll highlight 4 important skills every healthy marriage has in common. Learn how to be better connected spiritually… communicate more effectively…resolve conflict peaceably… and manage your finances wisely.  Discover what you need to improve your relationship and start making a change or two, today!

You can find Volume 1 HERE

18 in stock

SKU: A934303-00 Categories: , Product Format: CD Series


Keeping Love Alive, Volume 2 CD series includes a four part teaching with the following messages:

  • Cultivating Spiritual Intimacy

It’s hard to believe there are couples who’ve been married for thirty, forty, or even fifty years.  So, what’s their secret? In this message, Chip shares the newest volume in his ongoing series, “Keeping Love Alive.”  He  emphasizes the importance of couples cultivating spiritual intimacy, which is the first of 4 biblical skills he’ll share in this series.  You won’t wanna miss it!

  • Effectively Communicating (God’s Love to Your Mate)

Have you found that you and your spouse talk less and less? And the times you do get some face-to-face time, there’s a constant misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and unmet expectations.  In this message, Chip discusses how couples can better communicate. Learn how to have genuine, heart-to-heart conversations with you mate, starting today!

  • Resolving Conflict Peaceably

How do you handle conflict? Are you a person who bursts out in anger or are you someone who completely shuts down?  In this message, Chip explains why neither of those approaches work well and offers a third option to resolve conflict in marriage.  Don’t miss how you can radically transform your relationship!

  • Managing Your Finances Together

One of the biggest sources of conflict in marriage revolves around money. In this message, Chip walks through how couples can biblically manage their finances and tackle debt issues in their marriage.


Additional Information

Weight .49 lbs
Dimensions 6.5 × 6.5 × 1 in



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SKU: A934303-00 Categories: , Product Format: CD Series

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