This five part CD series includes the following message titles:
• Jesus – The Authorized Biography
This series begins with a closer look at the life of Jesus, directly fro the book of John, unfiltered, uncut – the authorized biography of Jesus of Nazareth. Chip unpacks how you can know and understand the Bible for yourself and more importantly, discover how Scripture can make a positive difference in your life right now.
• Jesus – Launches a Movement
This message reveals a picture of Jesus that may seem a bit out of character to you, but may open your eyes to the real Jesus – the Jesus of the Bible, Jesus as He was and still is. Chip takes us to a familiar story – the wedding where Jesus turned water into wine. But this story is so much more than an account of a miracle because it reveals so much about Jesus and His love for us.
• Jesus – Explains His Message
Chip goes back to the basics – the basics about Jesus, faith, truth, and eternity. Whether you are a mature Christian, just beginning to discover who Jesus is , or simply an interested seeker, this message is for you. Chip shows us the very heart of God , as we see it revealed in His Son Jesus Christ.
• Jesus – Models His Mission
Who hasn’t done things they wish they could take back or do over? No one is exempt from the guilt of poor choices. Those chains of guilt, however, are exactly what Jesus came to unlock and toss on the heap of “Forever Forgiven.” Chip explains that in Jesus, we can experience the power of true healing and lasting freedom.
• Jesus – Offers Hope to the Hopeless
Hope – a four letter word of rescue, for for those who know the stifling constraints of a situation that seems utterly hopeless. Hope – the sure knowledge of a future in heaven with a loving heavenly Father. Chip reveals how Jesus offers hope to the hopeless and the one thing you can do , right now, to change your eternal future for the better.
One of my favorites so far. I love how Chip brings forth the word in such a manner that everyone can understand and share with others.