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We Ask God To:
1. Provide His wisdom and discernment as the Living on the Edge executive team meets this month to continue our strategic planning for the future.
2. Raise up a team of volunteer prayer warriors to intercede for Living on the Edge as we help Christians live like Christians all over the world.
3. Bring full healing and recovery to Chip’s back after his surgery.
We Thank God For:
1. His incredible generosity through our ministry partners investing to help Christians live like Christians through our Mid-Year Match.
2. The printing and distribution of 200,000 translated copies of the True Spirituality book with training for church leaders in 11 cities across China this summer.
3. Providing a way for Chip to have minor back surgery that has alleviated his back pain.
Don't Be Troubled or Afraid
“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”
–John 14:27 (NLT)
Jesus made this amazing promise to His disciples the last night He was with them. He knew that in a few hours their world would be changed forever. Their leader would be gone… dead. Their hopes would be dashed. Their lives would be in danger, and their future would be uncertain.
Jesus knew that all these things were coming for them, and yet He said, “Don’t be troubled or afraid.”
Why? Because He had a supernatural PEACE to grant them—the shalom of God. More than the absence of conflict, this shalom brings wholeness, blessing, support, and an unexplainable sense of well-being. It’s an intimate experience of God’s favor in the midst of the most challenging circumstances.
The good news is that we have that same shalom of God. The promise Jesus made to those disciples is as true for us as it was for them.
Sorrow, struggles, separation, financial loss, fear, anxiety, uncertainty of the future—the difficulties we’ve encountered during the pandemic are not more than God can handle.
The PEACE of God is not a pie-in-the-sky experience. It is God’s promise through Jesus for every believer in the midst of good and bad, joys and sorrows, challenges and victories.
My father saw this in my life shortly after I’d come to know Jesus, and he asked, “Where did you get this new sense of peace? Whatever it is and however you got it, that’s what I need.” The supernatural PEACE of God he saw catapulted his journey into the New Testament and resulted in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Are you experiencing God’s PEACE, His presence, His sustaining power, and a sense of His blessing and favor during these challenging times?
We all struggle—me included—and it’s easy to lose perspective, allowing anxiety and fear to win the war within, and forfeiting God’s precious gift of PEACE. But it doesn’t have to be that way. I feel so strongly about this that I wrote a new book called I Choose Peace: How to Quiet Your Heart in an Anxious World.

To help you on your journey toward peace, here’s a preview. I hope the introduction and first chapter will be an encouragement to you and that you can share this book with friends, family, and coworkers who are struggling with fear and anxiety.
In this month’s Coffee Break recording, a few of our Executive Team members share the latest about the ministry, and an update about my minor back surgery that kept me from being part of the recording. I’m well on the way to recovery—thank you for your continued prayers!
I would be remiss if I didn’t pause to tell you how grateful I am for your incredible commitment to pray for us and give so generously. All the details are not yet in, but the Mid-Year Match progress is tracking in a good direction. This Match provides the funding for us to continue to teach the multitudes, train groups, and develop tools for pastors and leaders in America and around the world.
The early disciples faced incredible challenges, yet they changed the world because God‘s PEACE sustained them. By faith, may we choose the gift of PEACE that has been given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Chip Ingram
CEO and Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge