Dear Friend,
God is searching for people to step up and stand in the gap in a world where the foundation of truth is crumbling—to learn to grow deeply in their personal relationship with God, connect with the next generation in meaningful ways, and help build up the global Church.
Jesus commanded His followers to go to “all the nations” and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). We can’t do that effectively unless we ourselves are trained disciples and we know how to help others become disciples.
God is urgently calling us all to stand in the gap to bring hope. At Living on the Edge, we believe that God is calling us to invest in Three Pillars to uphold the truth of God’s Word and see millions of lives transformed for the Kingdom.
As you read through this 2022 Vision Update, you’ll see some of the hopeful, profoundly life-changing things God, through Living on the Edge, has done on a scale that still stuns us. You’ll also learn the goals and plans that we believe God is calling us to as we seek to build up His Kingdom in the areas of these three critical needs.
Of course, we can’t do any of this without the faithful support of generous partners like you!
Standing in the gap TOGETHER.
Chip Ingram
CEO and Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge
Allison“We have been listening to and learning from this ministry for over 20 years. We have used so much of the teaching we have learned in our marriage, in our parenting, and now in our relationships with our adult kids and grandkids. We are forever grateful for this ministry.”
African Pastor
“I am renewed and refreshed by Chip’s teaching. I’m ready to go with new ideas and a deeper conviction that what we do is critical to effectively passing the torch to the next generation.”
Jacey“Thank you for all you do to help Christians live like Christians. For 16 years, you’ve been teaching me how to pursue God and live for Him with compassion and clarity. With your help, I am able to encourage and edify people in my life.”
BROADCAST // 1 million people listen each week through radio, app, streaming, and podcast.
SMALL GROUPS // More than 300,000 small groups have started the journey of doing life together through our 25 small-group resources over the past 10 years.
DAILY DISCIPLESHIP // 195,000 people have learned how to study God’s Word, pray, and share with others.
THE REAL YOU // This online assessment program has launched, helping people understand how God has wired them for Kingdom service.
[equipping leaders]
[investing in the future]
EMPOWER PARTNERSHIPS // There are effective ministries and voices that are reaching the next generation.
EQUIP PASTORS // They need to be educated and encouraged as they struggle theologically and practically to communicate with the next generation.
EDUCATE PARENTS // They have the greatest influence on their children.
ENCOURAGE PEERS // There are vibrant, godly next gens who can reach their friends.
ENGAGE PERSON TO PERSON // The need for a digital discipleship process, not just information, is critical for long-term impact.
Your Partnership
with Us Brings
Hope to the World
Taking big steps of faith in three core areas of our ministry will have significant impact on our budget requirements. The continued global impact of Living on the Edge is only possible because of the prayers and financial gifts of ministry partners like you.